If you want your emails delivered to your prospects and customers without the upcoming “gmail and yahoo apocalypse” destroying your efforts, then you’ll want to watch this very RAW chat that we had with email marketing and deliverability expert, “Big Jason” Henderson.
It’s our 1st edition of “The Traffic Pros Show”, so please excuse some of the tech issues from the poor Internet he experienced while at an event.
However, we couldn’t delay in getting this out, because of the timely changes taking place on Feb. 1st, 2024 that could KILL your email deliverability if you don’t do some of what Jason shared in this interview.
Check it out now (and save your email deliverability):
He’s also giving a full virtual workshop with us, and YOU’RE INVITED!
If you’re watching this after that date, don’t worry. The workshop recording should be up for you. 🙂